Thursday, October 21, 2021

New Work Spaces Available!

BROOKLYN ART STUDIOS is opening a new floor of work spaces for CREATIVE PROFESSIONALS

--Architects, Industrial Designers, Graphic Designers, 3D Modeling, Web Design, Motion Graphics, Interior Design, Writers, Film Makers, Accessory Designers, Fashion Designers etc

Professional Creatives who work alone, as a team or may have assistants will be the right fit for this floor.

Heat, AC, Wifi, Kitchen, Utility Room, Mens/Womens Restrooms, Lounge & several areas of seating throughout floor, Freight Elevator, Bike Racks on Site, Citibike on Site, Mail Room/Boxes, Package Delivery, Dumpsters for Trash Removal

Small Interior Spaces good for individuals
Larger windowed spaces for individuals or teams to share (No Subletting or Temporary Shares allowed)

NO --- Woodworkers, Painters, Sculptors, Resins, Aerosol, Living, Welding Please

For More information & to view email at or